Saturday, January 22, 2011

Michel Rostang's Double Chocolate Mouse Cake

This cake was delicious. I ended up baking it and serving it warm, and loved it. I really enjoyed this, my husband and children did as well. I didn't go to the trouble of using my spring form pan. My springform is 9 inches, and it called for an 8 inch one. I didn't want it any thinner then the one in the picture in the book, so I opted for my deep dish pie crust. It turned out perfectly.

I am anxious to try this again, but next time I am going to go with the "to serve the cake cold" option because I thought the mousse was so delicious.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to know that it worked out well in your pie dish. I'm looking forward to trying the other versions, too.
